Mineral County Performing Arts Council (MCPAC)

PO Box 1402/Superior MT 59872

Would you like more information on MCPAC or upcoming performances? Would you like to attend one of our meetings? Contact Jim Goss, Treasurer of MCPAC, at jgossorcreich@blackfoot.net

May 25, 2024

19 year old Hannah Jackson, who finished up her sophomore year at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, demonstrated her song writing and guitar skills on her visit to Mineral County on May 23rd. Hannah led an all-ages assembly at the Superior High School gymnasium at 2:30 where she proved she’s still “one of them” with cultural references in between many of her original songs as well as a couple of classic covers.

At 7:00 PM Hannah performed solo at the LDS church in a two hour concert that belied her youth by drawing on many experiences that inspired her songs. She touched the souls of many and we wish her well as she completes her studies and continues to make her mark in the world.

Hannah at school assembly in front of approximately 200 students
Hannah’s performance that night